Thursday 23 February 2012

Demonic Movies

Having had a look at angel movies a couple of days ago, I thought to be fair I should check out the demon ones too. Interestingly, these are on the whole less quirky than the angel films and seem to concentrate largely on demonic possession and straight horror films.

I came across some old favourites like The Exorcist (which I remember seeing at a late night cinema showing when I was a student - we'd been to the pub first so at least the alcohol took the edge of the terror :)) and The Omen. Others, like Hellraiser and Rosemary's Baby that I didn't like at the time for whatever reason!

One I did really like when I saw it for the first time a few months ago was The Devil's Advocate with Al Pacino, about a lawyer who's tempted to make a wrong decision and get a guilty man released just to further his own career. It's a fascinating tale that unfolds as his successful new life becomes gradually stranger and his boss is revealed to be Satan himself.

Others that I came across that I might like to see are: Constantine, with Keanu Reeves; Possession with Isabel Adjani; and Paranormal Activity. 

But one thing that seems to be largely missing from these film is romance. The demons are quite definitely evil with no redeeming or even remotely lovable qualities whatsoever. So maybe for romance, we should stick to the angels :)



  1. The Devil's Advocate is brilliant!! One of my favourites!!!

    in Germany

    1. Yes it was a great discovery for me! Very clever and witty as well as scary :)


  2. And a good warning on the wiles of the Oh, then there's that one with Brendan Fraser....what's it called? I only remember the German title...Teuflisch...Devilish....hehe!!! Hugh Grants old girl friend plays the devil....also funny but thought prevoking.


    1. Absolutely :).

      Do you mean Elizabeth Hurley? I vaguely recall her playing the devil in something, but I don;t think I've seen it...


  3. Yep, that's the one. It's very entertaining!!

